| 1. | The combination of all these factors helped to create a dramatic change in cycling rates.
| 2. | High cycling rates and state of charge induces mechanical strain on the anode's graphite lattice.
| 3. | Cycling rates in the Netherlands peaked in the 1960s and dropped dramatically until the mid-1970s.
| 4. | The heart attempts to compensate for disease state by increasing the intracellular to increase the contractility cycling rates.
| 5. | The eruptive cycle rated a VEI of 3, with more than of lava flows and tephra produced over that period.
| 6. | :As mentioned by Nil, there is not a universal cycle rating but they are not designed for high cycles.
| 7. | Throughout the 70s cycling rates increased, but the investments in bike paths made in the subsequent period had less effect.
| 8. | Each processor could accept two commands every 200 nanoseconds, for an effective cycle rate of 100 ns ( 10 MHz ).
| 9. | After a certain trip modal share it may take more than just installing cycle tracks to create large increases in cycle rates.
| 10. | NYC likewise saw cycling rates nearly triple on weekdays and doubled on weekends when the bike path was installed alongside Prospect Park West.